World’s First Digital Sundial

World’s First Digital Sundial

Michael Molitch-Hou from 3D Printing Industry Time, the elusive measurement of entropy that ticks away our moments until death (and possible rebirth?). That measurement has mutated from simple sundials to complex smartwatches without its actual meaning ever being any...
More Comfortable 3D Printed Casts

More Comfortable 3D Printed Casts

Tyler Koslow from 3D Printing Industry I’ll never forget the time when, at the invincible age of 13, I was playing tag with some neighborhood friends and, suddenly – BAM – I tripped and broke my hand in three places. I remember the adrenaline and shock took care of...

3D Printed Rocket to go into Space

Michael Molitch-Hou from 3D Printing Industry It took awhile, but those sci-fi dreams of yesteryear are starting to take shape today. The New Space industry is just starting to get off the ground, with the first commercial 3D printer headed to the ISS as we speak and...

Two New Bioinks for Desktop Bioprinting

New Bioinks for Desktop Bioprinting Tyler Koslow from 3D Printing Industry Coming out of Sweden, the startup CELLINK has been working to revolutionize the 3D bioprinting market, releasing their unbelievably low-priced INKREDIBLE desktop bioprinter last year for just...

Arm Printed for young Cheerleader

A 3D Printed Arm Tyler Koslow from 3D Printing Industry It’s no secret that 3D printing is a terrific tool for the production of prosthetics, but one non-profit organization from Central Florida, named Limbitless Solutions, is taking 3D printed prosthetics to the next...